Energy after Gastric Bypass – WoW

I have to share how amazed I am in the amount of energy I have now since my Gastric Bypass Surgery. For awhile there I did not think it was gonna come and let me tell you it is here and I am lovin’ it.

I did not notice my energy level really change a lot until the nice weather came – probably the spring and now during the summer I am non stop go go go. I had read so many times others say they get all this energy after Gastric Bypass and I had wondered why I did not – well I wonder no more it is here. Of course it is from losing the weight – it is that much less we have to carry along with us everywhere.

I use to spend most of my days sitting on the couch after I worked lounging, snacking and taking afternoon naps almost daily, but now my naps are only occasional and daytime TV is almost obsolete. My yard and garden has never looked so good – I am out there first thing in the morning watering my flowers and picking weeds and my laundry gets done and hung on the line and my house stays pretty clean (well I say pretty cause my kids are home for summer – lol). My hubby always tells me sit down and relax, but I can’t I have to be doing something – it is crazy, BUT I am truly lovin’ it.

I have also seen my weight drop a lot more since I have been trying to one up the energizer bunny so I guess that “E” word (exercise) really does work – damn them. Now I just wonder what will happen once winter comes along – I guess I will have to get on my treadmill after all huh?

Related Post:  My First Thanksgiving after Gastric Bypass Surgery

So if you read that you will get all this energy after Bypass it is true – I would not lie, trust me. Weighing over 60 pounds less this summer is one AMAZING feeling in so many ways and the energy is number one on my list. Ok the I confess the Iced Coffee does help as well – lol.

So move over bunny I just may be able to outlast you !!