I made it through St. Patrick’s Day with no issues

St Patricks DayWooo Hooo I am happy to report that I made it through St. Patrick’s Day with no issues. I must have had the Luck of the Irish on my side even though I am not Irish (lol). I had my Corned Beef, Cabbage and Mashed Potatoes and danced the Jig !!

I love St. Patrick’s Day and every year we have our Corned Beef and I look forward to it. I LOVE Corned Beef !! My hubby is Irish and so we celebrate it every year. This year we invited our friends over for dinner too. The smell of the Corned Beef cooking in the crock pot filled the air all day and I could not wait to dig in.

I was nervous thinking that my pouch/stomach would not be able to handle the goodness, but no way was I gonna miss out on one of my favorite meals. I did bake up some Green Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting that I made from scratch with my daughter that looked so good and I knew that I definitely could not have any of those. But they were for the kids and everyone else and I was OK with that. It was the rest I was most excited about.

Here are some pictures from the day. My daughter – aka Mini Me helped me bake up the cupcakes. From what they all told me they were Delish !! My son loves Red Velvet Cake and Cupcakes so I made these with him in mind ♥. I also made all the kids a fun Leprechaun Drink which was made up of Lime Sherbert and Sprite, then I made some Green Mustaches and attached them to the straws for some fun photo ops. When it came time to eat I let everyone dig in before me and I watched them all pile up the food on their plates. I was kinda sad thinking I would not be able to do the same this year, but at least I could still eat it is what I told myself.

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So here is my plate – not piled up at all. I tried to pick the pieces of Corned Beef that were not fatty (the small piece was a bit so I did not eat that one). Then I had some Cabbage and a small portion of Mashed Potatoes, which by the way were made by my friend and they were incredible !! Before my surgery I could have eaten the whole pot – Mashed Potatoes are one of my favorites. These were made different than what I am used to and had Garlic and even Eggs in them which I had never heard of before.

I ate it all – chewed chewed chewed and as much as I wanted to take another plate full I did not. I was very satisfied physically by what I ate – mentally I could have kept going.

After dinner everyone dug into the Cupcakes and had their fancy green Leprechaun Drinks. I made some Coffee and was good with that.

So there you have it – I made it through my first St. Patrick’s Day and did not feel so deprived. Ok one thing I did miss this year was my Mother in Laws Irish Soda Bread. She makes us some very year, but this year I told her not to. I did not want to be tempted by the carbs and I think I made the right decision. Next year may be another story.

Tomorrow is my Weigh In day and I cannot wait to see what the scale has to say, it better be good.

Stay Tuned….

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