My eighth week after Gastric Bypass

Number 8I cannot believe that 8 weeks have gone by since my Gastric Bypass Surgery. Some days I feel like it was just yesterday that I had it and others seem like it was so long ago. It is definitely a crazy journey and this week I had St. Patrick’s Day to contend with, one of my favorite meals.

Other than planning for a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner with friends at my house and a reaction to some Cereal I ate this week was not bad at all. The weather has been getting warmer and I have been outside more which has helped with my mood. The warmer weather also gets me into Spring cleaning mode and I have a long list of things that I should be getting done – Yikes !! Hoping my motivation kicks up a bit more this list is longer than I would like it to be.

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the eighth week:

(I am not gonna add the times on – just the order in which I ate)

March 12th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Chinese Take Out – 3/4 cupish Beef & Broccoli with White Rice and a bite of an Eggroll
  • 1/2 Slice of Muenster Cheese
  • Salad – Lettuce, Feta Cheese and Red Wine Vinaigrette Dressing
  • Cereal – 1/2 cupish Honey Bunches of Oats with 1/2 cup of Skim Milk

So today I had some Chinese Food for lunch with the hubby and it was so good. Prior to surgery hubby and I would occasionally order take out for lunch and I would eat the whole lunch meal, egg roll and soup. It is amazing that I was only able to eat about 1/4 of the meal and I stole a bite of my hubby’s egg roll and was stuffed. That lunch pretty much kept me full all day. My sister had brought over dinner tonight, but I was just too full at that point to eat it and instead had myself a salad.

Later in the evening I was craving something sweet so I thought I would have a small bowl of cereal. It was my first time having any since surgery. Well that turned out to not be a good idea at all and it was the first time I had eaten anything since my surgery that caused me great pain. You can read about it in my post here: Cereal is not my friend. So with that being said Cereal is off my list of things to eat for now.

March 13th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1 Slice of American Cheese
  • Handful of Almonds
  • Protein Shake
  • 1 1/2 Egg Salad
  • 1 Chicken Strip that I made for my daughter
  • 1 Small Slice of frozen Thin Crust Pizza
  • SF Ice Pop

I was so tired when I woke up this morning – maybe it was from the Cereal incident – who knows. After I got my kids off to school I just could not stay awake. I decided to go back to bed and I slept for another 3 hours. I tried to keep things light today since my stomach was not happy from that cereal yesterday. I did pick at my daughter’s dinner and ate a small Chicken Strip. My hubby and son were having frozen pizza for dinner which looked and smelt so good that I decided I would have a small piece. It was so good and thankfully it did not bother me at all.

Related Post:  My twenty first week after Gastric Bypass

March 14th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 Bites of a Cheesy Omelet
  • 1 Egg Salad
  • 1 Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese
  • 1 Small Slice of frozen Thin Crust Pizza
  • Handful of Almonds
  • Baked breaded Tilapia, Peas & Country Cheddar Rice a Roni (Tarter Sauce to Dip)
  • 3/4 Rocky Road Brownie Supreme Protein Bar
  • SF Ice Pop
  • Handful of Almonds

Yes I had another slice of Pizza that was left over – I wonder if I can handle a real slice of pizza – hmmm? We had fish for dinner and even though it was breaded and baked – I tried to pick off most of the breading. Right before I went up for bed I had a handful of Almonds – well that was stupid. I woke up not long after I fell asleep choking because I must have had some reflux from them and had puke taste in my mouth. Note to self – do not eat right before bed.

March 15th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Tea – no Milk and some Splenda
  • 2 Egg Salad
  • 1/4 Rocky Road Brownie Supreme Protein Bar
  • 2 Slices of American Cheese
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Tuna Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Coleslaw and Potato Salad on the side
  • Slice of American Cheese
  • 6 Flipside Crackers with Cheese Spread

Uneventful day for the most part. I did have a Tuna Sandwich – first time having Tuna since surgery. I LOVE Tuna and it was good. I had some cole slaw and potato salad on the side, but not much of them at all.

March 16th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • Slice of American Cheese
  • A few bites of Coleslaw
  • SF Tastycake Chocolate Chip Finger Cake Cal: 100, Fat: 3g, Protein: 3g
  • Nectarine
  • A Handful of Peanuts – Elephant Peanuts I had to remove from the shell
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper

Hung outside on the patio today and enjoyed the warm weather. I also did some shopping with my daughter for St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow – they got out of school early today. I cannot wait to eat the Corned Beef tomorrow and hope all goes well with that.

March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day ♣

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 Egg Salad
  • Raw Broccoli, Carrots & Celery dipped in Lite Ranch
  • Corned Beef, Cabbage and Mashed Potatoes
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 cupish Sugar Free Ice Cream – Turkey Hill Cool White Mint

Today I was very busy getting ready for our St. Patrick’s Day company. All the fun stuff like cleaning the house – NOT !! I also enjoyed the smell of the corned beef cooking in the crock pot all day – it was like heaven. My daughter and I baked up some Green Velvet Cupcakes too. It was a beautiful day out today also so a lot of the day was then spent hanging out outside.

Related Post:  Moooove Over Laughing Cow Swiss there are more flavors in town

When it came time for dinner I made my plate with my Corned Beef, Cabbage and Mashed Potatoes – a much much smaller portion then all the years prior. I was just happy that I could enjoy the meal and I so did. I am also happy to say I had no issues at all. I did a post about it here: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner. Later that night I had a bowl of SF Ice Cream my hubby picked up for me – it was Cool White Mint which is a fancy name for Mint Chocolate Chip. I am amazed at how good Sugar Free Ice Cream is and this flavor was da bomb !! My new favorite.

I had a great time today with my friends and family I could not have asked for better weather. The kids all had a great time to I would say today was a success in more ways than one. Even my dogs were worn out form all the playing – lol.

March 18th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Picked at leftover Corned Beef & Cabbage
  • 1/2 Protein Shake
  • Bunch of Peanuts – Elephant Peanuts I had to remove from the shell
  • 1/2 Ham Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo
  • A Piece of Corned Beef and some Cabbage
  • 1/2 cupish Sugar Free Ice Cream – Turkey Hill Cool White Mint

Today was another really nice day out and I was outside and cleaning up from last night I had my daughters friend stay over from last night as well – so I had an extra kid (nothing new at my house). I picked at some leftovers in the fridge this morning – yup there goes that picker in me, but at least it was protein right? My friends stopped over this afternoon and hung out and chatted a bit and then I just relaxed tonight. I was beat from all the festivities. I did find I was not very hungry today and had to remind myself to eat – that is a new one !!

I would say this week went very well with the exception of the Cereal incident. I was able to get through a holiday that I love so much with no problem and still enjoyed the food as I have in the past, just this year I could not pile it up and pig out. BUT that is what got me to this point anyways so I was ok with that. I thought it would have been much harder, but I guess I am getting use to the change.

I have noticed this week that I forget to eat. I will be working on my computer and then realize hours have gone by and I have not eaten. I am not one for breakfast so my meals usually start at lunch with the exception of a morning protein shake from time to time. By the time I go up for lunch it is usually around 1-2 in the afternoon. Crazy right? I think so – what a change from the past.

Related Post:  Me and Watermelon have reconnected and total BFFs

Then by the time I start eating there does not seem like enough time to get in all my water and protein since it takes forever to eat and drink as it is. I am just not hungry (OMG did I just say that?). I did boil a bunch of eggs earlier this week so I could make egg salad and eat that for a quick boost of protein, but I get sick of eggs pretty quickly so I am not sure that will last much longer. The Protein Bars are also good if I craved sweets more, but I really have to be in the mood for them.

As far as exercise goes – I have still not done much. I have been up and moving more with the nicer weather so that is a plus. The closest I came to my treadmill this week was watching my friend Vicki work out after dinner on Saturday – lol. Exercise is just one of those things I hate, but I know I need to do – I still have that on my to do list – even if it is at the bottom. I have lots of yard work coming my way soon and that will help. My back has been bothering me a lot lately too so I have to watch that.

I still have yet to get in my 64 ounces of water which has been an issue since the beginning – I am probably only getting in just over 32 ounces. I will have to work on that too.

Ahhh so many thing to work on.

On a happy note I have gone down in my jean size and had to ditch the ones I was wearing because they are way too big. I got to shop in my closet in all my old clothes that I had put aside for that one day I will fit in them again. I started in a size 26 jeans and now have on a size 24 jeans – the 24 are also big on me, but all around the waist which is how I always am. My big butt holds them up for now, but they will be too big soon as well. I have not allowed myself to buy anything new with summer coming quickly. I will definitely need all new summer clothes since I donated them all prior to surgery – I am very excited about that.

The scale was VERY nice to me finally this week want to know how I did? Well then take a look at My Weigh Ins. I am not complaining at all this week – It is a celebration !! I am ready for Week 9 so here I come !!

Stay Tuned for some updated photos….