Pureed Food is getting BORING

Boring PersonThe pureed food part of my Gastric Bypass journey is getting BORING. There is only so much you want to eat pureed and then it is the same thing over and over. I think I am losing my mind a little.

So as you know I am on the Pureed Stage which will last until I have my first post op appointment on the 21st. Yup 12 days to go until I can move on to soft foods. I know you can puree pretty much anything, but let me tell you it is not that easy. Some foods are just not meant to be pureed – just sayin’.

I have hardly found any Pureed Recipes out there, but I am gonna have to dig a bit deeper to get through these 12 days. I have tried to switch things up here and there, but I tend to be a creature of habit and end up eating the same ol’ things.

Here are some of the Pureed Foods I have been eating often:

  • Refried Beans with Low Fat Sour Cream
  • Egg Salad (starting to get sick of)
  • Mashed Potatoes (made my own from the flakes then broke down and bought some Bob Evans as a treat)
  • Corned Beef Hash (had this a few times)

Those are the things I have been having a lot – especially the Refried Beans. Of course I eat other things, but these seem to be the ones I eat over and over. I just want to chew something already.

Ya know what I have been craving so badly? Salad. I miss a big bowl of salad soooo much. I cannot wait until I can have a salad again. Today I bought a bag of frozen Broccoli – tomorrow I will cook it up and, oh I hate to say it – puree it. I am craving my veggies.

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I am only 2 1/2 weeks post op and I cannot wait to eat again – I mean I am eating, but I just want more of a variety back. I am not looking to pig out – just want more food choices is all I am sayin’.

If you are reading this and have been through this stage and have a Pureed Recipe that is yummy – please share it in the comments below cause I could sure use it !!

2 Replies to “Pureed Food is getting BORING”

  1. pureed lentils! and squash, spinach and even green beans puree well. Gross to look at but they taste good. Also I pureed some of an order of Chinese tofu. It was heavenly.

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