My Second Easter since my Gastric Bypass Surgery

Today was my second Easter since my Gastric Bypass Surgery – my first Easter I was only 11 weeks post op. I tell ya the time has just flown by so fast.

Since last Easter I am down another 64 pounds – Holy Jelly Beans!!! We spent the day at my Mother in Laws and she cooked up a great dinner for all of us. I did not eat much last year at Easter due to being only 11 weeks out from surgery and this year I did my best to keep myself in control.

Holidays are always so hard because there is lots of yummy food to eat. When we arrived I picked at some of the appetizers – my sister in law makes this awesome bean dip and I ate some of that with Tortilla Chips. I had to eventually walk away from that because I am a dip hog and just love dips. My sister made this great Zucchini Appetizer (will be sharing recipe) and I had a couple of those as well. Again I had to walk away from the appetizers because I knew I would over do it and dinner was in the oven.

So I enjoyed a cup of coffee in between and stayed away from the table with the finger foods. When it was time to sit down for dinner I filled my plate with a little of everything. I never deprive myself of what I want to eat I just take less of it. I normally however try and stay away from the breads and biscuits, but my mother in law made the ones I love – Buttermilk. So of course I grabbed one, buttered that baby up and ate that first. I probably should have ate my Ham (protein first), but could not resist that biscuit.

Related Post:  My tenth week after Gastric Bypass

So as you can see in my before and after of my meal what I was able to finish. Honestly I should not have even eaten that much. I had my sister in law quickly take my plate away from me because I knew if it sat in front of me I would have continued eating even though I was full. My hubby made fun of me (in a funny way) when I had to get up and go lay down on the couch. He was all like she is dumping cause I ate too much. I told him I was not dumping just very very full. Ok shhhh maybe I had some mild dumping from too many carbs. I did go grab and eat 3 of my Papaya Enzymes to help move things along.

The mild dumping did not last long, maybe an hour or so – I just had that extremely full feeling, sweating and tiredness.

After I was feeling better I had another cup of coffee and it was time for Dessert. Of course Dessert was the last thing on my mind, but I had a tiny taste of my sister’s Carrot Cake – when I say tiny I mean a taste. I also had a tiny taste of a Coconut Macaroon and that is it. I could not fit anything more than a taste of each in me.

We came home around 9:30 tonight and I had yet another cup of coffee – Duh how the heck do u think I am still up at this hour typing this post silly!!!

So as with any holiday and being a Gastric Bypass post oper it is always a struggle, but I got through another one. I ate a tiny bit too much, but I lived.

Related Post:  5 Week weigh in and no weight loss – WTF?

So another Easter is past – we will see how I do on the next Holiday Celebration!!!

Stay Tuned…