My forty second week after Gastric Bypass

Finally I am back to keeping my Weekly Food Journal!! The last time I posted one was at 22 weeks post op and now here I am 42 weeks post op. That is just crazy – where does the time go?

So for 25 weeks I was very good at making sure to write everything down I ate and keeping a food journal. Then the nice weather came and I kinda got lazy and went on a hiatus as I call it. Well just last week on my 41st week Weigh In the scale went in the wrong direction and I gained 2 pounds. While I did not totally freak about about it because it happens I knew I had to reign myself back in and see if I was doing anything wrong.

I find when I keep a food journal and write everything down that goes in my mouth it stops me from being bad. I just did a this post on When Bad Habits Creep Back because for me I am finding that I am getting a bit to comfortable with my eating. So with that said here is what I ate my 42nd week post op.

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the forty second week:

(I am gonna add the times on – I did this for the firs time)

November 12th

  • Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 12:45 pm – Bite of leftover pasta, Lean Cuisine – Meatloaf (22 grams protein) and 3 Cookies
  • 3:00 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 6:00 pm – 1/2 Ham Steak, 1/2 Cup Cheesy Rice and Green Beans
  • Later in the evening – 1 Twizzler and 2 Starburst Candies
  • 1 Ice Cream Sandwich

Today was beautiful out – sunny and warm for fall. I worked, watched a movie while I ate lunch and then hubby and I washed our trucks.

November 13th

  • Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 12:00 pm – 1 Cupish Split Pea Soup my mother in law made, handful of Potato Chips (Rut Roh) and 1 Ice Cream Sandwich
  • 3:00 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 6:45 pm – Piece of London Broil, 3 Crab Rangoons (my sister made), 2 Fried Cauliflower Patties (my sister made)
  • 8:00 pm – Handful of Pretzels dipped into Sour Cream (very bad snack)

Today I had a horrible sinus headache and I just bummed around and also took an afternoon nap. My sister came over for dinner and made some yummy new recipes. After dinner I worked for a few online and then went to bed after watching TV and eating pretzels that did not agree with me. Pay Back for a crappy snack. I should have known better.

Related Post:  My First Ice Cream Cone since Surgery

November 14th

  • Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 11:00 am – Small piece of Cheddar Cheese
  • 1:00 pm – Piece of left over London Broil and 2 Fried Cauliflower Patties and 4 Nutter Butter Cookies
  • 3:30 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 6:00 pm – 1 Fried Cauliflower Pattie
  • 7:30 pm – 6″ Veggie Delite Sub from Subway and a few Twizzlers

Today we had some windows installed and while they did that I cleaned the house and watched TV – darn sinus headache yet again. Later at night hubby and I went to Walmart and had Subway. As soon as we got home it was to bed for me due to my headache and my snot eyes – lol.

November 15th

  • Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 12:00 pm – Piece of left over London Broil and 1 pkg of Green Giant Steamed Veggies – Carrots, Beans and Spinach in an Herb Sauce
  • A Few Twizzlers
  • 3:30 pm – 2 Chocolates – I received samples of Ghirardelli Chocolate for my business and had to try a couple – so worth the taste.
  • 4:00 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 7:00 pm – 2 Boneless Rib Sandwiches on Hamburger Rolls (26 grams protein)
  • 2 Tiny Whopper Candies
  • Handful of Smoked Almonds

Today I just worked and dealt with that sinus headache yet again. I watched more TV and it was off to bed early for yet another night. What an exciting life huh?

November 16th

  • Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 10:00 am – 2 Cheddar Cheese Cubes
  • 12:00 pm – A few bites of London Broil with Ketchup
  • 3:15 pm – 6″ Italian Sub
  • 5:00 pm – 1/2 Entemanns Donut
  • 5:15 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 8:00 pm – Salad
  • 10:00 pm – Small slice of Blueberry Pie

Today I worked and then went out shopping with my sister. That late night Blueberry Pie – again not a good choice and made me nauseous. URGH – what is wrong with me???

Related Post:  I was possessed and had a Late Night Sugar Binge

November 17th

  • Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 12:15 pm – 2 Salami and Provolone Rolls
  • 1:00 pm – Banana
  • 3:00 pm – 1/2 Soft Pretzel
  • 4:00 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 6:00 pm – 1 Hot Dog with Kraut, A Few Cocktail Meatballs and Baked Beans
  • 11:00 pm – 1 Hot Dog with Kraut

Today I was busy cleaning and making food and cupcakes and pumpkin pie for my son and his friends that were coming over for the night. Yes when my kids have friends over I always go above and beyond and they also become taste testers for my business treats – lol. I stayed up late working and then it was off to bed to be up to make the kids breakfast.

November 18th

  • Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 10:30 am – 1 small cinnamon roll, bite of scrambled eggs and 2 small sausage links
  • 2:00 pm – 1 small Popcorn at the movies
  • 6:00 pm – Chinese Food – 1 small bowl of Egg Drop Wonton Soup and some Chicken and Garlic Sauce with White Rice
  • 8:30 pm – 1 small cinnamon roll

Today I slept until 10am – crazy for me I am always up early. Good thing the boys were up really late and were still sleeping when I got up so I still had time to make breakfast. I also had to bring one of my chickens in the house because she is sick – it is my hen Nugget – hoping I can nurse her back to health. I also took my daughter and a couple of her friends to see Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 – OMG it was sooo good. I even ate a popcorn and did just fine with it. I ended up going to bead early cause I was still exhausted from staying up so late the night before – I am such a light weight. Or maybe just old.

Related Post:  My twelfth week after Gastric Bypass

So being this was my first time in a very long time logging my food I can see some patterns. To start I do not eat breakfast – I knew that and I know it is not good, but again I have never been a breakfast person. I drink coffee almost until lunch time.

I have always said I do not have a sweet tooth – well that seems to be changing. I seem to need something sweet here and there time to time. As longs as I dot over do it I seem to be ok with the sugar.

I always drink more coffee in the afternoon – I gotta do it or I am a walking zombie, trust me.

Other than that I do not think I did too bad. I am still not eating anything like I did prior to surgery and that 2lbs I had gained the week prior – well I am happy to report that is gone again and plus another. Wooo Hooo. Of this weeks Weigh In I am now down exactly 90 lbs. I am only 10 pounds from losing 100 pounds which is my next goal and I want to do that by my Surgiversary Jan 23rd – which is sooo doable. I am so excited!!