My twenty fifth week after Gastric Bypass

25 weeks since my Gastric Bypass Surgery – WoW. The time is really going by fast – I am just about at 6 months post op and I cannot believe it.

Unfortunately I did not write in my food journal this past week – yup this is week #3 of my summer hiatus, but not to worry I am back on track so my food journal will be back starting week 26. Again I have so much going on between the kids being home for summer and construction projects in my house that I have slacked off – I know shame on me.

My eating is still about the same although I am probably not eating enough or getting in all my protein like I should either because I am not writing it down. I always try to choose food high in protein as much as possible, but I really should be tossing in a protein shake daily which I have not. I have also missed some of my vitamins in there as well, especially my Calcium and that is not good. I have to re-focus and get back on top of those things pronto !!

On a happy note my weight loss has gone into full gear and it is coming off like crazy. I started with such a slow weight loss and now every time I step on that scale I am shocked by the numbers. As of this morning I am down to 218 lbs – Holy Shit – that is just crazy. I am less than 20 pounds from ONEderland (199 lbs). Ya know when my weight loss started to really kick in? When the nice weather started along with my yard work. So all that talk about adding in the “E” word (exercise) that I hate so much really did make the difference.

Related Post:  Joseph’s Sugar Free Cookies are a tasty treat

I live on an acre of property and have lots of flower beds to care for and I just love being outside when the nice weather hits sitting on my patio or being in the pool. It is much different than the winter months of sitting at my desk working all day – which as a matter of fact I have been kinda on hiatus from that as well. My main business website is also in the process of a complete makeover as well – so everything is under construction – ahhhhh.

This week is gonna be pretty crazy. My daughter’s birthday is Saturday and I am having her friends all sleepover in the midst of a huge construction project starting Thursday where a wall is being moved between my son and daughter’s room. Soooo my upstairs will be off limits and I have to have the girls all camp out in the living room I think. That is ok it will work – yikes, I hope. Then the following week we are having a new office space built and that coming weekend my BFF is coming to stay for the weekend from NY who I have not seen in a few years. Then the following weekend my Brother, Sister in law and Nephew are coming to stay. So busy busy busy is all I can say.

Refinishing A Staircase

Here are some pics – That is my Hubby – aka DarthDan working on another long over do project of refinishing a staircase to our rec room. My Chicks are now happy in their new Chicken Coop for about the past week now. They are growing so fast and are probably just as spoiled as out other pets. Hopefully they will reward me with some eggs in the fall – I guess it is all depending if I have male or females, still not able to tell just yet.

Related Post:  My first week after Gastric Bypass Surgery

So this coming week I am back to logging and trying to be good about taking all my vitamins and getting in more protein. OH did I mention I think I have a sinus infection? Yesterday I had a down day of laying in bed for most of it with a major sinus headache. Today I feel a little better, but I can still feel the pressure in my head from all the boogies. Lets hope that goes away quick since I have a very busy few week ahead of me.

I will work on getting up more pictures and you can check out My Weigh In Page to watch my progress. I still have so many posts I want to get up so I will work on that too.