Vitamins I now take after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Vitamins I now takeI thought I would do a quick post talking about the vitamins I now take on a daily basis. Vitamins are so important after Gastric Bypass and these will have to be taken everyday for the rest of my life.

If you are going to be having Gastric Bypass one thing you have heard about is the importance on taking vitamins to avoid vitamin deficiency. See Gastric bypass and other types of bariatric surgery dramatically alter your body’s ability to absorb vitamins, minerals and nutrients from the smaller amounts of food you’ll be eating. The resulting vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have serious medical implications. I am not gonna get all medical on you since I am not a doctor – they get paid the big bucks for that not me.

Also note that every doctor will have different requirements on what it is that they want you to take after surgery – I am only going to be sharing what I take to give you an idea.

It really is not that bad at all. Here is my list:

  • Multi Vitamin – I use the Flintstones Gummies and in true child fashion I look at it everyday to see who I will be eating – just adds an element of excitement to my day – I love seeing Dino – just sayin’
  • Citrical Calcium Gummies – 2 of the gummies equals – 500mg so I chew 6 per day and not all at the same time for a total of 1500mg daily. After these are gone I may change this out for a different brand of capsules, chewable or liquid in a higher dose per serving. Seems like the way I am doing it will get pricey. I will keep you informed.
  • B-12 Sublingual 500mcg – I take one of these a day and it is just a tiny cherry flavored pill you put under your tongue and it dissolves.
  • Biotin – Added in at Week 6 – Helps with possible Hair Loss and keeping my Nails Strong
  • Omeprazole – Added in Week 6 to help coat my stomach (no longer taking)
  • Vitamin D 1000 – I take this due to low Vitamin D levels something I have dealt with prior to surgery
Related Post:  Guest Post ~ This is Dana’s Gastric Bypass Story

The coolest part about my vitamins is that they are all yummy. It is not like the horse pills that leave a horrific taste in your mouth so I actually look forward to taking them each day. I was allowed to start taking my vitamins daily when I reached the pureed stage of my post op which was at around day 10.

Where did I buy my Vitamins – For me I just went to my local CVS – they always run great deals like Buy 1 Get 1 Free – so I got good prices and always search for coupons, which I did as well for the Flinstones and Citracal. You can also find great deals online – just up to you.

In addition to those I have other daily meds I take which I am allowed to swallow because they are not big at all. I also take a weekly Vitamin D pill due to a previous Vitamin D Deficiency not related to my surgery. (Vitamin D now taking is a daily Supplement vs. the prescription)

I do not have to take an iron pill since I have had a hysterectomy, but if you are female and still have your parts – this may be one they will add on as well.

At this time I have not had a blood test to check my vitamin levels – I may be given that when I see my surgeon on February 21st for my first post op appointment. I will keep you updated on that.

If you are like me and horrible at remembering to take your vitamins and meds then I HIGHLY recommend you get yourself a Pill Organizer. Hubby picked me up a nice one cause he knows me like a book. I have made it a point that every Monday will be my fill day which is perfect because Monday’s are my weigh in days too.

Related Post:  My third week after Gastric Bypass

Do not forget to get one because it will make your life so much easier and save you from forgetting to take those vitamins.

There are 1,000′s of Pill Organizers on the market in every color, size, weekly, monthly, some with timers etc… So no excuses !!

Just a little FYI for ya all – As I stated above I chose to take the Flintstone Vitamin Gummies for my multi vitamin. I am sad to say that you only have a choice between Fred, Pebbles and Dino. I know it is shocking and sad – my thoughts exactly. Ulike the Flintstone Chewables where you can have your choice of Fred, Pebbles, Bam Bam, Barney, Wilma, Dino, Betty and the Great Gazoo – I love Gazoo !! I feel ripped off. Wonder if I can change to chewables – on my question list for my doctor. lol


2-27-2012 I have added in Biotin (Week 6)

2-28-2012 I have added in Omeprazole (Week 6)


Stopped taking Omeprazole

4 Replies to “Vitamins I now take after Gastric Bypass Surgery”

  1. My dr. Said only to use flintstone chewable because your body doesn’t get the iron from the gummies.

  2. We were instructed to stay away from gummies that it’s just sugar and not very affective!

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