A Couple of My Yummy Finds ~ Special K Cracker Chips and Supreme Protein Bars

Healthy SnacksI had to share a couple of my latest Yummy Finds with you all. When I find something yummy I just have to share and these are worth sharing.

My first share are the Special K Cracker Chips (Sour Cream & Onion). I came across these in a local store on a shopping trip one day and they sounded like a good option for those times when I am craving a crunchy salty snack.

I crave salty items more so than the sweet ones and I need to have things on hand that are not so bad when I do. I am not going to completely deprive myself of some treats now and then, but I am just going to make better choices. I have to say that these Cracker Chips are DELICIOUS !!! They are light and airy and have caused me no issues eating them. That does not mean you may not have any issues, but they are worth the try. I was truly surprised at how flavorful and satisfying they were for me.

Now here are the Nutritional Facts on them:

  • Serving Size 27 Crackers (they are about 1 1/2″ round each)
  • Calories – 110
  • Total Fat – 2.5g
  • Cholesterol – 0
  • Sodium – 230mg
  • Potassium – 190mg
  • Total Carb – 22g
  • Dietary Fiber – 3g
  • Sugars – 1g
  • Protein – 2g

I do not think those stats are bad at all, but I am no nutritionist either. A much better choice than eating Potato Chips and I do not have them every day. They are a treat for me every now and then. Best part is they are available in lots of different flavors such as Sour Cream and Onion, Sea Salt, South West Ranch and Cheddar. I will be buying some of the other flavors next to try.

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You can purchase them online or check in your local store for them. Special K has a whole line of crackers in addition to these as well. I think they are a good option.

My next yummy find are these Supreme Protein Bars I found in my local CVS Store. I was there buying some vitamins and came across all the Protein Bars and thought to myself I should try some of these for the days when I need an extra boost of Protein since I have been taking a break from my protein shakes. But there were so many of them and I had to sit and read all the labels in addition to finding a flavor I would like.

I had read in some of the Gastric Bypass Forums that some Protein Bars were not so good for us and did not contain the right things. So when I saw that these Supreme Protein Bars contain Whey Isolate Protein which is what I drink I knew they should be a good choice. So I bought just one and it was the Rocky Road Brownie. Again I am not big on the sweets, but every now and then I enjoy something sweet. On the way home I opened it up in the car to try and I was very surprised how good it tasted.

I was not able to eat the whole thing at once so I ate only 1/2 and the other 1/2 later that day. I really liked it a lot.

Now here are the Nutritional Facts on the Rocky Road Brownie (not sure if the other flavors differ as of yet):

  • Serving Size 1 Bar 1.75 ounces
  • Calories – 210
  • Total Fat – 9g
  • Cholesterol – less than 5mg
  • Sodium – 70mg
  • Potassium – 1115mg
  • Total Carb – 16g
  • Dietary Fiber – less than 1g
  • Sugars – 3g
  • Protein – 15g – Woooo Hooo
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The Supreme Protein Bars come in 2 sizes the 1.75 ounce and also a 3.4 ounce. So basically the bigger one is just double and the protein is as well @ 30 grams per bar, but no way can I eat all that in one sitting.

They also currently come in 9 different flavors which are; Rocky Road Brownie, Caramel Nut Chocolate, Cookie n Cream, Peanut Butter Crunch, Peanut Butter Pretzel Twist, Chocolate Caramel Cookie Crunch, Peanut Butter & Jelly and Chocolate Peanut Butter Wafer Crunch.

I bought the Supreme Protein Bar in CVS and it cost me $2.37 for just one – which I think is pricey, BUT you can find these online for a lot cheaper. I did buy a couple more on my next trip to CVS because they were so yummy. I will be buying them online now to save some cash. I have yet to try any of the other flavors yet, but I bet they are just as tasty. I think I am gonna try the Chocolate Caramel Cookie Crunch and Peanut Butter & Jelly next – I will keep you updated. Oh Heck – I think I am just gonna buy the variety pack and try them all.

Usually Protein Bars can taste gross, but I have to say the one I have tried so far tasted just like a candy bar to me. They have sure come a long way since the last time I have eaten one many many years ago.

If you know of a Yummy Find I should try please let me know by commenting below. I would love to find some new treats to try as I continue on my journey.