My eleventh week after Gastric Bypass

Week 11The holidays are coming and going and this week was Easter. I love Easter because I also love springtime, although it has been a bit chilly for my taste I will still take it.

This week I had the kids home starting Tuesday for Spring break from school. They were suppose to be home starting Wednesday, but my son was home with an upper respiratory infection and my daughter had gone to the orthodontist the day before and had to have 7 spacers put in her teeth for her upcoming braces the following week and was in pain. So I had them both home a day early. I do however really love not having to wake up in the morning to the sound of my alarm clock. BONUS !!

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the eleventh week:

(I am not gonna add the times on – just the order in which I ate)

April 2nd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 Pieces of leftover roasted Chicken
  • 1 Beef Jerky Stick
  • Protein Shake
  • 2 Slices of Salami
  • 1/2 Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • 1/4 Cup Smoked Almonds

Today I had to take my daughter out of school early to go see the orthodontist about getting on her braces. She is so excited to get them put on – I know crazy right? They love her there. We found out instead of waiting the normal 4-5 weeks from this visit that they will do them next Monday – she cannot wait. Thank goodness she has off from school that day because she will probably be sore. Not only does she need braces but also a Herbst Appliance with realigns the jaw from a bad overbite. She has he best smile now and after all of this comes out I cannot even imagine how great it will be.

April 3rd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 bites of my son’s Omelet
  • 1 Piece of leftover roasted Chicken
  • 1/2 cupish Reduced Fat Corned Beef Hash with a Fried Egg
  • 2 Slices of Salami
  • 1 Piece of leftover roasted Chicken
  • Bite of a Boneless Chicken Wing from Pizza Hut
  • 2 Handfuls of Goldfish Crackers

So today I had both my kidlets home. My son has an upper respiratory infection and my daughter a bad headache and pain from the 7 spacers they put in at the orthodontist yesterday. So I got to play nurse for my babies. I also did my nails with a Watermelon Design while they were resting. Later on my daughter and I caught up on Long Island Medium – we love that show !!

Related Post:  Depression after Gastric Bypass Surgery – it happens

April 4th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 Grape Leaves (my fav)
  • Bite of a Red Beet Egg
  • Bites of my son’s Salad
  • Protein Shake mixed with Coffee
  • Salad with tomatoes, feta cheese and Vinaigrette dressing
  • SF Ice Pop

Today I brought my son to the doctor and he got lots of meds -my poor pooh bear. After the doctors we did some food shopping. While at the market I picked up 2 Grape Leaves, which happen to be one of my favorite things to eat prior to surgery. I used to be able to eat 8+ in one sitting, but being I had no idea how I woudld react and knowing I did not have room for that many I bought just 2 from the salad bar. I ate them in the car on my way home and they were AMAZING !! My son had gotten himself a salad and I had some bites of his food as well – he made the best salad with lots of cheese like feta, blue cheese, parm cheese – those became the dressing from all the flavors and that too was amazing. He also got Red Beet Eggs which prior to surgery I was not very fond of, but I took a bite and it was yummy. It was a nice change in taste and I think I may be hooked. I could have eaten more, but my son made me stop concerned I would get sick with the mix of things I ate – how cute right?

April 5th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1 Piece of Crab (imitation kind) 2 g protein
  • Handful of Goldfish Crackers
  • 1 Piece of leftover roasted Chicken
  • Watermelon
  • 2 Pieces of Crab (imitation kind) 4 g protein
  • Tortilla Pizza with fresh mushrooms and olives
  • 1 Frozen Yogurt Protein Popper
  • Handful of Goldfish Crackers

Today I had a bad headache from the time I woke up – maybe sinus related who knows. Later in the day I went outside being it was kinda warm finally. I did some needed weeding – wooo hooo got in some exercise. Later for desert I made hubby and the kids some Chocolate Chip Cookies and boy did they look good. I did not even have a nibble – so proud of myself if I do say so myself.

April 6th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1 Piece of Crab (imitation kind) 2 g protein
  • 2 Pieces of Crab (imitation kind) 2 g protein
  • 3 Slices of Salami
  • 4 French Fries stolen from my daughter
  • 2 Slices of American Cheese
  • 1 Red Beet Egg
  • Watermelon
  • Smart One Homestyle Pot Roast Cal 180, Fat 4.5g, Protein 17g, Carb 18g
  • Handful of Roasted and Salted Soybeans
Related Post:  My thirteenth week after Gastric Bypass

Today I did some thrift store shopping with my sister and daughter in hunt for treasure !! We stopped at the store and I got myself my own Red Beat Egg – great protein punch. It was yummy. I also bought some Roasted and Salted Soybeans to try out and 1/4 cup has about 11 grams of protein – I had never had them before and they are not so bad. A great munchie snack for evening TV.

April 7th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Roasted Chicken Leg & Thigh
  • 1/2 Baked Potato with Sour Cream, Butter and Salt
  • 1 Piece of Crab (imitation kind) 2 g protein
  • Meatloaf, Green Beans & Mashed Potatoes

Today was a busy day for me gathering everything for Easter tomorrow. I do lots of fun crafts for the kids, I baked some brownies from scratch, made a bunny bread that gets surrounded with fresh veggies, made up kids Easter Baskets etc… I also did some more shopping with my daughter in between that all. Then later in the evening my sister came over for dinner and she made a delicious meatloaf – so good I ate too much and had a belly ache. So being I just picked up some of those Papaya Enzymes I posted earlier this week it was the perfect time to give them a try. So I chewed up two of them and guess what? It worked !!! Withi9n about 15 minutes my belly felt so much better – amazing !! After dinner we colored our eggs and now we just had to wait for the Easter Bunny – lol.

April 8th – Easter ✿

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Protein Shake
  • Coffee with Creamer & Splenda
  • Raw Veggies – Broccoli, Tomatoes, Carrots & Cucumbers with a Dill Dip
  • Picked at a couple Tortilla Chips
  • Ham, Green Beans, Corn & Mashed Potatoes
  • 2 Green Olives stuffed with Garlic
  • A bite or two of bread
  • Tiny bite of Cinnamon Bun Cake
  • Meatloaf with Ketchup

Easter was at my mother in laws today and I think I did pretty damn good eating wise. For appetizers I had brought a veggie tray so I ate a bunch of veggies from that. I also did pick at a couple tortilla chips, but only a couple. For dinner we had Ham so I ate that first with a small amount of the sides. I did have a bite or two of some bread – very small. The hard part was when dessert came out – even though I am not a big sweet eater I wanted some, BUT I controlled myself and took a tiny taste of a Cinnamon Bun Cake my sister had made. We ad a great time, but by the time we got home I was hungry. It had been awhile since dinner and being I did not have dessert I was hungry. I heated up a small slice of leftover Meatloaf and dipped it in ketchup and I was all good. It was a really great day with lots of laughs and fun for the kids.

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Here are a few pictures from Easter.. The first picture is my son and daughter on the right with my nephew and niece on the left, next is my niece and daughter with the bunny masks they made and last is me and my hubby❤.

This week was filed with fun for me getting ready for Easter and having the kids home – although my son was sick I got to play nurse. Love my babies even if they drive me crazy – I would not have it any other way.

I have the same issues as always – still working on getting in all my proteins, liquids and that damn exercise. OH wait I did exercise this week – I weeded one day – that counts right?

At Easter I was talking with the family about everything and the exercise came up of course and they gave me a challenge. They challenged me to do 30 minutes a day on the treadmill – everyday !!! OMG I took that challenge – so what do I get if I do it? Geez good question they did not put up a prize or anything now that I am thinking about it. UGH !! Well I guess I will feel better and maybe even give that slow metabolism of mine a good boost. I am gonna take it on and see what happens come my next weigh in – Game On !!

I was very happy with this weigh in and have no complaints at all – want to know how I did? Visit My Weigh Ins and see

So Stay Tuned to see if I can do this 30 minutes a day for a whole 7 days….

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