I officially start my New Job on Monday

Starting Monday at 8:30 am I will be out of the house and back into the working world. Not that I have not worked, just have not worked outside the home in so long.

Today was a long day – had to drive over an hour to go have a physical and drug test for this job and then I had to drive to my new workplace to get my 2nd TB Shot. I wrote a post all bout my new job last month HERE. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time – now that my start date is so close I am kinda freakin’ out a little bit.

Good thing is I start on Monday and just work till about 2 and then Tuesday from 9-12 for training. Then I do not work again until August where I have only a 1/2 day to do on the 8th, but then starting on 8/13 I am on the schedule for more training 5 days in a row 9-5 – that is what scares me the most. After having my own routine each and everyday at home this is going to be a HUGE adjustment for me. I guess I have to make sure they have lots of coffee on hand or I will have to bring my own in a thermos or I think I will pass out (lol).

In addition to that this Wednesday my kids are flying by themselves to Florida to stay with my parents for 10 days. They are 15 and 13 and I have never been away from them for so long let alone so far away from them. Good thing they do not have me on the schedule for my new job over that time because I may be a bit of a mess. On the plus side me and the hubby with have some much needed alone time which will be nice.

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Oh did I mention my daughter will be turning 13 on Sunday? Yup I will now have 2 teenagers under one roof. Where does the time go? I always said once she turned into a teenager I would move out – so not ready for teenage drama, but I think I will stick around – lol.

Well that is about it for now – just wanted to do a quick little post while I had things on my mind. I will keep you all updated as always!!! Happy Friday to all!!!