I did it ~ I made another Goal !!

OMG I did it – I made another goal of mine. I am in the 170′s again and could not be happier. I cannot even tell you how long it has been since I have been this weight – at least over 16 years or more.

I am now down a grand total of 107 lbs since my Gastric Bypass Surgery. I am still shocked every time I think about it – just seems so unreal to me. I still have those moments when something will happen where I get shocked by it all.

Like the other day when I was folding laundry and thought a pair of pants belonged to my 12 year old daughter and then I realized they were mine. Things like that will never get old – EVER!!!

I know it has been a bit since my last post, but I have been so busy in the yard and enjoying the nice weather. My hubby and I built the new run on the Chicken Coop for my chickens and it came out AWESOME!!! Hard to tell in the photo but it is very large and has a door so I can walk in and hang out with my chicks. He also put chicken wire across the top so I do not have to worry about hawks or other critters coming in and getting any of my chickens. I was finally able to move the 8 hens that were in my kitchen since chicks into it on Sunday and just in time to get it all clean for the delivery of my new appliances that were delivered on Monday morning.

Related Post:  My twenty first week after Gastric Bypass

Oh and earlier in the week my daughter’s pet hamster died – so sad. Then a couple days later she adopted a new pet – a Netherland Dwarf Bunny she named Karrotin.

In addition to all that I was battling the worst sinus pressure headache that lasted for 4 days and finally just today started to subside after taking some Mucinex. It was horrible to say the least.

So I have been very busy with all of that and a bunch of other stuff, but in the end when I weighed in yesterday I got the surprise of making my goal of getting into the 170′s and was so happy and shocked that I ran to grab my camera and take a picture of the scale.

So now it is time to set my next mini goal and I have decided it will be to get to 169 lbs. That may take awhile, but that is ok. I am gonna work hard and while the weather is still cool I will take lots of walks to try and make it happen quickly. I will be in total shock more than I am now to see that number on the scale. That will call for a big celebration and ya know what that is what I will do. When I make that goal I am gonna have a party for myself or buy myself a present – lol.

Stay Tuned…