My twenty second week after Gastric Bypass

This week was fun – The A/C guys finished installing, got my Chicks and took a road trip to see my brother in New York.

Can I just tell ya how nice it is to have central air – I will NOT miss losing my windows to window a/c units anymore. It is the weirdest thing to have every room in my house the same temperature. Just amazing – oh and in the winter to have heat in every room – I cannot even imagine what that will be like. In addition to that we had them put in an air filtration system to help my hubby with his lung issues. Life is good and I can literally “Chill Out” in my house now, under a blanket in the summer – hee hee. Not a cheap renovation, but worth every single cent !!

We also got 4 Chicks this week and I did a post all about them HERE. They are so darn cute and I cannot wait to see them running around in the yard and hanging in their coop.

Then on Friday to Sunday I took a road trip with my sister and my kids to visit my brother, sister in law and nephew in upstate NY. I hate the car ride – 4 1/2 hours is not my favorite, but I had a great time. I was a little jealous leaving my husband home alone with 4 chicks though – lmao.

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the twenty second week:

(I am not gonna add the times on – just the order in which I ate)

June 18th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Bagel with Scallion Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 Bagel with Scallion Cream Cheese
  • Iced Coffee
  • 1/2 cupish Cucumber Salad
  • 1 cupish Hamburger Helper Stroganoff
  • Bite of a Brownie
  • Peach

Today we were up early with the A/C guys here to work, but we left for a few hours to go get our Chicks. On the way to get them we stopped at a bagel store – bagels had always been my favorite prior to surgery and I decided I would get one. I ate 1/2 on the way to get them and the other 1/2 on the way home. Of course for awhile after the second half I felt like crap for carb overload. It did not last forever, but boy do hate that. The rest of the day was spent hanging and watching the Chicks and they are beyond cute cute cute.

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June 19th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Slice of Bread with Mayo
  • 1 Piece of Grilled Chicken, Stuffing and Broccoli
  • Peach
  • Handful of Frosted Mini Wheats

Today the A/C guys finished the installation – took 5 days. They did it just in time for the heat wave coming tomorrow – wooo hooo !!! I made them cupcakes as a thank you – Pink Lemonade Cupcakes to be exact. Later that day I could not wait to put all the stuff back in the attic that was piled in my bedroom. I feel so organized now – it is a wonderful feeling indeed !! Oh and I stayed cool while I did it – BONUS !!

June 20th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Protein Coffee
  • Chicken Nuggets dipped in Honey Mustard, Green Beans and a handful of Tater Tots
  • Handful of Frosted Mini Wheats

Today was a HOT day out (not inside- lol) so we all decided to go in the pool. I ended up eating a bit too much for dinner which was a quick pot luck meal with the Chicken Nuggets. So needless to say after dinner I felt blah for a bit.

June 21st

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Protein Coffee
  • A few bites of a Mufflata Sandwich and some Italian Pasta Salad
  • English Muffin Pizza – 1 whole english muffin
  • Finished the rest of the Mufflata Sandwich

Today was deadly heat and I was exhausted – all the days of getting up so early with the contractors caught up with me – so I napped today. I also think the mufflata and pasta salad helped put me in a carb coma, but I had nothing much going on so a nap was well deserved.

Related Post:  My first week after Gastric Bypass Surgery

June 22nd

  • Water
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Handful Pretzels dipped in Sour Cream (my sister’s fault)
  • 1 McDonald’s Hamburger and a few fries
  • 1 McDonald’s Hamburger
  • Starbucks Skinny Frappuchino
  • 1 1/2 Chicken BBQ Thighs, Tater Tots and a Salad

Today we left for NY to see my bother. Road trip with my sister and the kids. I had McDonald’s with the kids on the way – I had 2 hamburgers, but ate them over an hour apart. It took us about 4 1/2 hours to get there and I just hate a long car ride, just sayin’. I think I am worse then my kids complaining and asking how much further every 10 minutes. At the rest stop I got some Starbucks, of course a skinny with no sugar – it was ok. For dinner my sister in law made the best BBQ Chicken and I will be recreating it and sharing soon – so stay tuned.

June 22nd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Half & Half and Teaspoon of Sugar
  • 1/2 Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese
  • Hot Dog and a few chips with dip
  • 2 Sugar Free Cookies – Joseph’s Sugar Free Cookies
  • Handful of Pretzels
  • 1 cupish Shrimp, Veggies and Pasta, 1/4 Crab Stuffed Portabello Mushroom & Greek Salad
  • Blueberry Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt
  • Watermelon

Today we went out shopping to some stores that I wanted to visit that are not in PA. I found some yummy treats such as Joseph’s Sugar Free Cookies and Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt. I found some other cool treasures in my travels as well, but those were not edible – lol. The rest of the day we sent hanging out and we cooked a delicious dinner which was pasta with shrimp and sauteed veggies – it was soooo good !!!

June 22nd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer
  • 1/2 Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese
  • Peach
  • Small Greek Salad
  • 1 cupish leftover Shrimp, Veggies and Pasta
  • 2 Sugar Free Cookies – Joseph’s Sugar Free Cookies
  • 1 McDonald’s Hamburger and a few fries
  • 1 McDonald’s Hamburger

Today I just chilled out at my brother’s – I watched my kids and my nephew swim and my brother who is a photographer took some fun photos later in the day. The photo at the beginning of the post is one of them. Then it was time to head back home – urgh that long drive yet again. And as you can see I had McDonald’s yet again because it was at the rest stop on the way home. I am sooo sick of it and that will be the last time I have it in a very long time – yuck !!!

Related Post:  The scale went in the wrong direction

I had a busy week, but it ended with some great time with my family. I could have done without the car ride though. This week I felt like I had way too many carbs and not enough protein. Between Bagels and the McDonalds it was overload. Next week I will be sure to stay away from all the carbs – they make me feel like crappola.

I was not expecting to lose anything this week – I actually thought I would gain from all those carbs, but to my surprise I was down a pound on My Weigh In. Plus I had lost 4 pounds the previous week so that was a nice surprise for me – yahoooo !!

Next week I will be prepping for my upcoming family 4th of July party – between yard work and cleaning I will be very busy. My in laws are coming up from Florida thsi year and I am soooo excited they will be here. I am really looking forward to it and I miss my nieces. The kids are growing way to fast for me.