Type 2 Diabetes Cure? It is looking good !!

Type 2 DiabetesDo you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes? If so things are looking good that they may have found a possible cure. Can you just imagine that?

This morning when I turned on my computer I saw a video on my home page that read “Cure for Diabetes found?” Of course I clicked on it to see what it was all about – wouldn’t you? Any cure for any disease is beyond exciting.

I do not suffer from Type 2 Diabetes or any Diabetes myself, but boy was I probably close if I continued on the path I was on prior to surgery. My son though is another story – he was just told recently he may end up developing the disease if he does not drop weight – that is a whole other story I will address at some point here on my blog. I am very sensitive about that right now.

Now let me share the video that I clicked on and watched this morning via Good Morning America.

After I watched the video I was not surprised by what they were talking about because I had wrote a post that addressed the same thing here: Dr. Oz weighs in on Gastric Bypass Surgery. I think now there are more studies being done and more awareness that Weight Loss Surgery is an option.

Of course it is not for everyone, we all know that Gastric Bypass Surgery has its own set of risks, but which one is riskier than the other? Gastric Bypass or Type 2 Diabetes.

It is personal decision to make along with one you would need to work out with your doctor, but to know it is getting more attention and more studies is so promising.

Related Post:  Battling Head Hunger after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Dr. Francesco Rubino, director of the Diabetes Surgery Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, led the study and explains that while they don’t fully understand the process of how the surgery affects the diabetes, it has to do with the changes made to the organs:

We found that the change in the anatomy of the stomach and intestines can improve diabetes directly. The stomach and intestine are not just there for absorption of nutrience. They also serve as an endocrine organ and make dozens of hormones. Those hormones are directly relevant to the regulation of the body’s insulin.

So for you Type 2 Diabetes sufferers there is hope and some new questions you may want address with your doctor. I think this is just the start of some big things to come in the way of cures for diseases and it makes me so happy to hear.

Now lets hurry up and find one for that UGLY “C” word !!