My ninth week after Gastric Bypass

Ninth WeekThe official start of 3 months post op. I say it every week I post – Holy Moly the weeks are flying by. In addition to that it is officially Spring and my daffodils are all opening up.

The weather had been unusually warm this week which I do not mind at all – I just worry come summer if it is this warm now how hot will it be then. I am not one for hot hot days, actually I hate them. I am more of a 70 degree girl and I am just happy at that – anything too below or too above and I may get cranky. I am ugly when I am cranky.

I added a couple more foods to my “No Issues” Food list such as Steak and Cheeseburgers on the BBQ (no bun of course). I think I was most excited about the Steak. It seems when it have been awhile since you have eaten a certain food it tastes 10x as good when you do and that was my Steak.

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the ninth week:

(I am not gonna add the times on – just the order in which I ate)

March 19th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Healthy Choice Steaming Entree – Honey Balsamic Vinegar Cal: 210, Fat: 335g, Protein: 12g
  • Handful of Special K Cracker Chips (cheddar)
  • Small piece of Steak, Sauteed Fresh Mushrooms, Taste of Pasta Roni Shells & Cheddar & Ketchup
  • Peach
  • 1/2 cupish Sugar Free Ice Cream – Turkey Hill Cool White Mint

Today started off with the kids missing the bus – that darn daylight savings in the Springs gets me all the time. I shut off my alarm and of course in my house if I am not up then no one else is – I live with sleepy heads – lol. After my lunch which was the Healthy Choice and some Cracker Chips a bit after that I feel asleep on the couch for a nice nap. When I woke up I felt shaky – my hands were shaking too. It was weird. I wonder if I was having a mild “Dumping” episode from the Healthy Choice??? Could have been.

BUT my day ended on a high note with me trying my first Steak since surgery. You can read all about it on a post I dedicated to the glorious moment here: I had my first Steak since Surgery. It truly was a glorious moment !!

March 20th – First Day of Spring ☼

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • A few bites of leftover Steak
  • 1/2 Cup of Wendy’s Chili
  • A Handful of Peanuts – Elephant Peanuts I had to remove from the shell
  • Pot Roast over Egg Noodles with gravy, peas and sour cream
  • 1/2 Protein Shake

Yahooo it is the first day of Spring !!! I am so excited I love Spring. So I picked at some left over Steak in the fridge – I could not help it. I opened the fridge and had an Alice and Wonderland moment – I swear it was saying “Eat Me”, so I did. I had to take the kids out of school early today for a fun trip to get our teeth cleaned at the dentist. I do not mind going except for the scrapping part of the cleaning – as I have aged I am so much more sensitive. BUT I love when the dentist always compliments me on how good I care for my teeth, which I do. You only get one set and SMILES are contagious ya know. I am happy to report my kids are cavity FREE yet again – they are following in mom’s teeth hygiene. Proud mom moment and I will take it. Although I was not so proud when they were fighting like crazy in the waiting room while we waited though.

Related Post:  Uh Oh I had Fast Food

After the dentist we stopped at Wendy’s for a quick snack and it was my first time having Fast Food since surgery. I had read about others having the Chili so that is what I got. It was delish and you can read my post about it HERE.

March 21st

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Wendy’s Chili (leftover)
  • Peach
  • 1 Bag of Baked Cheetos – 100 cal pack
  • Few bites of Taco Stroganoff (left over dinner I made the family)
  • Protein Shake
  • 1 Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese
  • Handful of Special K Cracker Chips (cheddar)

Not much to report about this day beside my son was driving me crazy. He is 14 and has high levels of hormones and attitude going on. Getting him to do his school work is like pulling teeth. I would kick his ass, but he is twice the size of me – so instead I yell at him and run for my life – lol.

I did cook dinner for the family and I made Taco Stroganoff which is a Taco type meal with pasta and sour cream etc.., but I was feeling a little nausea for whatever reason today and decided that I would skip such a heavy meal and only took a few bites. I am wondering if the nasuea came from those Cheetos?

March 22nd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 cupish Taco Stroganoff
  • 1 small Banana
  • 2 slices of deli Ham
  • 2 slices of American Cheese
  • 2 pieces of Beef Jerky
  • 2 slices of Salami
  • Salad – Lettuce, Feta Cheese and Red Wine Vinaigrette Dressing

Today I had some leftover Taco Stroganoff from last nights dinner for lunch. I also did a little food shopping with my sister and daughter as you can see from what I ate I bought lunch meats. I picked at a bunch and that filled me up. The Salami – yeah not the best choice, but I could not resist.

March 23rd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 bites of Taco Stroganoff (I was picking)
  • 1 1/2 Egg Salad
  • Handful of Goldfish Crackers
  • Raw Broccoli, Carrots, Tomatoes dipped in Lite Ranch along with some Cheese Cubes & Beef Sticks
  • 1/4 of a Whole Pickle
  • 1 Cheeseburger (no bun), 4 Tater Tots & Fresh Asparagus
Related Post:  Tomato Bean Soup Recipe

Today I wrote some posts and then sat outside and enjoyed the weather while I did my nails and created an adorable Ladybug Design for spring on them. I enjoyed eating some veggies and protein from a veggie tray my kids and I snacked on this afternoon. My daughter had a friend staying over so I decided to BBG up some burgers. I ended up eating a Cheeseburger less the bun, stole some of their Tater Tots and I have a nice helping of some Fresh Asparagus I cooked up. I cooked the Asparagus in the oven on broil with some Olive Oil, Garlic and Parmesan Cheese on top – love that !!!

March 24th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1 Cheeseburger & Asparagus (leftover)
  • 1/2 Rocky Road Brownie Supreme Protein Bar
  • 3 slices of Salami
  • 1/2 Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • 3 Chicken Strips (picked from kids dinner)
  • Raw Broccoli & Tomatoes dipped in Lite Ranch
  • 1/2 Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper

Today was a yucky rainy day. My daughter hung out with her friend and my son worked on his school work (amazing). So I did some housework and wrote some posts. It was a lazy day for the most part, but rain can do that to ya.

March 25th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • 2 slices of Provolone Cheese wrapped around 1 slice of Salami
  • Handful of Special K Cracker Chips (cheddar) – Movie Snack
  • Watermelon
  • Roasted Chicken
  • Chocolate Protein Iced Coffee Drink concoction
  • Apple
  • A Handful of Peanuts – Elephant Peanuts I had to remove from the shell

Today we took the kids to see The Hunger Games at our local movie theater. I could not wait to see what this movie was all about. My son has been reading the book series and loves it. I smuggled in my Special K Cracker Chips so I would have a munchie if I needed it and of course I did. I thought the movie was great, my son not as much. I think it is always a let down when you read a book and then see the movie – it never compares. Lucky for me I did not read it so to me I loved it. I rate a movie on a nap scale – if I do not fall asleep then it is a good movie.

On the way home we had to pick up a few groceries and I grabbed some Watermelon – I was craving it and it was soooo good and sweet. For dinner my daughter and I had picked up a roasted chicken and I had some of that and I made my hubby and son cheese quesadillas. After dinner my hubby made some coffee – it was still early enough since we ate dinner a bit early. I decided to get creative and make a iced coffee concoction with some extra added protein in it. It came out pretty good and I shared my recipe here: Chocolate Protein Iced Coffee Drink concoction.

Related Post:  Crustless Spinach, Feta and Onion Quiche Recipe

So I have 2 months now under my belt and I am at the beginning of my 3rd. I have to say things have been a lot easier than expected as far as the eating goes for me. I have not had any major issues with anything I have tried. I am so thankful for that because I read of so many others not having the same luck and I feel for all of them.

Every week after I post my Food Journal I can see things I need to change. Again I am still not getting in my 64 ounces of fluids and still holding at about 1/2 of that on a good day. I really try and push myself, but it is hard. I am hoping the warmer weather will get me drinking more.

I also need to start getting in more protein. I really have to start making an effort to have at least one protein shake a day again like I did in the beginning. That is also hard because you get so sick of them, BUT it will ease my mind to know that with just one shake I am half way to my daily protein goal and that is nice to know.

As far as exercise goes – again I have still not gotten myself to do any. What is wrong with me? Oh yeah that good ol’ avoidance I am so friendly with. So I will still put that on my to do list, yet again.

I had some weight loss this week, but not much since I had a 5 lb drop last week. I was not expecting much at all this week due to that. I also ate a bit before bed last night so that could have changed things for the scale today as well – who knows. I will take any amount of loss I can get. So I am good with that. Slow and Steady, Slow and Steady….

Want to know how much? Then visit My Weigh Ins

So lets see if this week I can follow through and do some of those things on my to do list, Stay Tuned…..