Photos ~ Before and After Gastric Bypass Week 33

has been quite some time since I updated my photos with a full length set and I have finally done it for you all to see. I cannot believe that I am almost 8 months out already – best part is that I feel great !!

My weight has dropped off slowly, but it has been steady and I am very happy about that. I cannot even imagine the thought of how much heavier I could have gotten in these 8 months if I did not make the choice to have the Gastric Bypass Surgery. I still have a bit to go but I feel as though my cocoon is coming off and that butterfly is starting to spread its wings again.

I cannot even begin to tell you how great it feels when you start to feel the old you start to come back. One thing I have loved is not worrying so much about what I will be wearing as I did before. I feel as though I blend in now vs stand out due to being so heavy. I am no skinny minnie yet, but I now feel so much more confident in my appearance unlike before. It has made a world of difference in my entire life, energy level and attitude. When I am happy – everyone in my family unit is happy.

I had one of the best summers this year then I have had in a very long time just due to my energy level and feeling lighter on my feet – I cannot wait until next summer when I am hopefully at my personal weight goal of 150 lbs which now, as I am writing this post, so much closer and only from today 58 lbs away – holy crap !!!

Related Post:  My second week after Gastric Bypass Surgery - Pureed Diet

So here are some photos taken of me yesterday along with photos of me from 6 days prior to surgery for comparison

Before and After Gastric Bypass Week 33

In the photos prior to surgery my jean size was a 26 – I am now proud to say the ones I had on yesterday are a size 18. I have not bought to many new shirts so they are very big and baggy on me and the one I had on yesterday was no exception. I am trying to hold out going clothes shopping until I can be in a size 16 pant. I know I will have no choice as the cold weather hits to get shopping since I have nothing in my smaller size for winter.

The only thing I have bought recently are the jeans I had on and a my first pair of capris ever – in a size 18. I look forward to buying a winter coat this year because I had not found one I ever liked in years prior due to feeling like a giant whale wearing one. I always just ended up wearing a sweat jacket in the cold.

I am planning to have a party when I get back into the 100’s – yup at 199 lbs the planning begins – my ONEderland Party. It will be a huge thing for me to get there and hopefully my guests will bring me gifts of gift cards so I can get myself some new digs. As of this morning I am only 9 pounds away so I am hoping by next month. I am gonna freak out when I get there, just sayin’.

So there you have it, my photo update.