My thirteenth week after Gastric Bypass

Week number 13 – sounds scary right? If your superstitious I guess. Well this week was not too bad at all, hubby was finally home from the hospital and it was beautiful out and I started doing my yard work.

Yes this week started my job of Yard Slave. We have a nice bit of property and as soon as it gets warm out the outside work begins At the beginning of my week I had 4 yards of Mulch delivered and was ready to go.

The weather could not have been more beautiful – just the right temperature. I like to get my mulch done when it is cooler because I hate to sweat too much – so it was perfect and it meant I would be getting in lots of exercise which I normally hate doing. So it was really a win win – yard starts to look great and I get in a work out.

Oh and that is a photo of my new Lilac Bush I planted in the yard – so excited !!!

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the thirteenth week:

(I am not gonna add the times on – just the order in which I ate)

April 16th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Bite of my daughter’s Bagel (I could not resist)
  • 1 Cube Steak with Ketchup
  • 2 Slices of American Cheese
  • SF Ice Pop
  • Omelet with American Cheese
  • 2 SF Ice Pops

Today was so nice out that I ordered 4 yards of mulch and had it delivered. It was time to start getting some yard work done. I was outside almost all day working my butt off (oh how I wish it worked that way – lol). I was so proud that today was the first day I was able to get in over 64 ounces of fluids – thank you hard work !!

April 18th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Gyro – Small
  • Protein Shake
  • Piece of a Tuna Sub
  • Piece of a Tuna Sub
  • SF Ice Pop
Related Post:  Healthy Choice Greek Frozen Yogurt Spotting

Once again I was outside all day working on the yard and mulching. Today we ordered out for lunch and I decided to get a Gyro. It was not a large one, but I was able to eat the whole thing. Yes I did have a small belly ache, but I ate 2 Papaya Enzymes afterwards and that helped. It was so damn good. My daughter had gotten a Tuna Sub for her dinner and I ended up eating a piece of that at two different times – not a huge amount, but that was also delish !!

April 18th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Piece of Tuna Sub
  • Cheese Its
  • 4 Corn Nuggets
  • Salad with Feta Cheese & Blue Cheese with Italian Dressing

So once again I was out doing yard work all day and then some food shopping. It seems I did not eat too much today now that I am typing it up. I did snack on a bit too many Cheese Its while taking a break from my work and guess what? I think I had mild dumping. I felt my heart race a bit – no sweating, but I felt like crap. I had to sit and rest a bit until it went away. I guess that is what I get huh? Not a good food day for me at all.

April 19th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Handful of Cheese Its
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich with 1/4 Pickle
  • Few French Fries
  • 1/2 Hot Dog in a Roll
  • Handful of Smoked Almonds

It was yard work all day yet again and also a conference at school for my daughter. Yup I went for those Cheese Its again even though I felt like crap the day before eating them, but I only had a few this time. I made Hot Dogs for dinner and decided to eat 1/2 of one which I did and I seemed to handle it. Again – not the best food day and it seems I did not eat enough yet again.

Related Post:  The days in the hospital after my Gastric Bypass Surgery

April 20th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 4 Small snack sized Turkey Sausages
  • Protein Coffee
  • 1/4 Pickle
  • Cheese Its
  • 1 Slice Swiss Cheese
  • A couple fork fulls Green Beans
  • 1/4 Pickle
  • 2 Slices of Salami
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich with 1/2 Pickle

More yard work today and some consignment shopping. I had lots of stuff to drop off (fat clothes – woo hoo) and I bought some treasures as well. Gosh as I keep typing in what I have eaten I am seeing I am not eating enough at all. Ugh !!!

April 21st

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 Slices of American Cheese
  • Fresh Veggies – Broccoli, Tomatoes, Celery & Carrots with Ranch Dip
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich with 1/2 Pickle
  • Grapes
  • Spicy Shrimp Dinner with some White Rice
  • Handful of Smoked Almonds

And the yard work continues on… I am working hard. For dinner hubby made this Sweet Chili Spicy Shrimp dish which I loved even if my mouth was on fire. I was very nervous my stomach was not going to be able to handle it, but all was good. By this day my body was starting to really feel all the yard work exercise and I was so sore. I knew it was going to rain tomorrow so I was looking forward to a nice break.

April 22nd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 3/4 cupish Corned Beef Hash topped with a Fried Egg
  • Handful of Smoked Almonds
  • Grapes
  • Protein Coffee
  • 2 Slices Muenster Cheese
  • Handful of Cheese Its

Thank God for rain – today I got to be lazy. I slept until 10:30 and played on the computer and laid back in bed and caught up on some of my shows. Even with a lazy day I still did not eat enough – seems to be an evil pattern forming.

I was so busy this week working outside and enjoying the great weather that it seems I forgot to eat. Funny thing is that I feel like I am pigging out all day, but when I sit and type in my food journal I notice that I am really hardly eating at all. I tried hard to get in a protein shake as much as possible – which I now mix with my coffee for that extra kick – it still does not seem to be enough.

Related Post:  My sixth week after Gastric Bypass

On the plus side I had gotten in all my fluids almost each day I was out doing yard work and I got lots of exercise. That is good right?

So how did my Weigh In go? Not at all like I thought it would with all that moving I did. I only lost 1 lb. Am I happy about that? Heck no – I am pissed !! I worked like crazy all week and to see only 1 lb on the scale is depressing I am not gonna lie.

I am going to contact my nutritionist to look over my food journals and tell me what I am doing wrong. I have a good feeling I know what she is gonna say – I am not eating enough at all. I will let you all know if I am right. For now I just have to try and re focus on Week 14. Sadly it is freezing and rainy out – so my yard work is on hold. I guess I may have to use the treadmill this week.

I hope my nutritionist can shed some light on this slow weight loss, because I am really getting frustrated – it is going on too long now.

Stay Tuned….