My sixth week after Gastric Bypass

6 WeeksAfter last week when the scale decided to not move at all with any weight loss I knew I had no choice but to not dwell over it and just keep moving forward. Was I disappointed? Yes of course I was – Big Time, but there was nothing I could do about it.

So I decided to keep doing what I was doing with some minor changes and hoped that I would see some results on the scale come my next weigh in. I told myself if I did not see the numbers go down that it was my surgeon who had something to worry about – lol.

I had a fairly good week with some challenges such as going to the Movies and being around all the temptations and that was followed up by a meal at my in laws house. It was my first time since surgery to have eaten out like that and it was hard for me, but I made it through.

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the sixth week:

(I am not gonna add the times on – just the order in which I ate)

February 27th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • Lean Cuisine – Meat Lasagna Cal: 320, Fat: 8g, Protein: 17g topped with some Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese
  • Bite of Chicken (from leftovers)
  • 1/2 Cupish Crab Salad
  • 2 Slices of American Cheese with mustard
  • 4 Slices of American Cheese with mustard

I decided this week I could ditch the Crystal Light and drink only plain water – that maybe it was the artificial sweeteners causing me no weight loss. It could not hurt and besides water is the best choice anyways. I also had my first Lean Cuisine today, I was craving lasagna and thought I would give it a try. I did end up eating the whole thing which was probably a bit more than I should of. I did have the chills a bit afterwards and ended up falling asleep for a bit. My Nutritionist says the chills is a form of “Dumping”.

I did go food shopping today and picked up some American Cheese for the kids. I had not had any in the house since my surgery – it is a favorite of mine and I know it is not the best. Well I dipped in to it. I have a habit of taking 2 slices and putting some mustard inside of them. I did this once during the day and my body was fine with it. But not long before I was going to bed I did it twice – so 4 slice sin total. My pay back was a little nausea – Yup I over did the cheese.

Also note I had no protein shake today – usually I start every day with one. Well I decided to take a break from it because it was getting too monotonous.

Today I also added Biotin to my list of Vitamins I take. This is suppose to help keep my hair and nails stay healthy and maybe reduce the chances of it falling out down the road from the surgery. We will see if it works, but regardless it will help my hair, nails and skin be healthier.

February 28th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 2 Bites of Chicken (from leftovers)
  • 1 Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese
  • 1 Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese
  • 1 Ham Sandwich on Sandwich Thins with Mayo
  • 1/2 Cupish Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta with Turkey Sausage & 1/2 Crab Cake
  • Choboni Blueberry Yogurt (ate 3/4)
  • Handful of Low Fat Wheat Thins
Related Post:  Eating Out after Gastric Bypass takes practice

Today I saw my Nutritionist for the first time since surgery – see post HERE. I got a lot of answers on a list of questions I had for her which you cam read on the post I did. One of the new things I ate today were Sandwich Thins – Nutritionist said they were a good choice, well I am not sure if she said I can eat a whole one like I did for lunch. After my ham sandwich I got those chills again and my belly hurt a bit – I went under the blankets and ended up sleeping for about 2 1/2 hours.

For dinner I made a Pasta dish and you can see the recipe for it here: Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta with Turkey Sausage. It was very good and I did not seem to have any problems with that. For my dessert I had a Choboni Yogurt to get in more protein – I was unable to finish the whole thing though so I ate about 3/4.

Today I also added Omeprazole to my list of Vitamins I take. I did this because I started smoking again and in hopes it will help me from not getting any ulcers. I know smoking is so very bad, but you can read my post HERE all about it. I will be working on quitting yet again.

February 29th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Mrs. Budd’s Shepard Pie – Cal: 274, Fat: 15g, Protein: 18g
  • Handful of Low Fat Wheat Thins
  • A few bites of a Nectarine (was not very ripe)
  • 3/4 Cupish Chicken with Rice Pilaf, Broccoli and Cauliflower
  • Salad – Lettuce, Feta Cheese and Red Wine Vinaigrette Dressing

I tried a Mrs. Budd’s Shepard’s Pie today which was just some ground beef with onions and carrots topped with some mashed potatoes. It is a pre-made meal and it looked good when I saw it in the store. It was ok, but nothing I woudl buy again. I was also excited to have a piece of fruit today, but disappointed that it tasted gross – it was not really ripe and I should have known since they are not really in season yet.

I did not eat a lot today and I actually went to bed early. The funny thing is – my wise ass hubby added to my food journal so when I woke up the next morning I see this added to my day: 5 Donuts, 2 T-Bone Steaks, 1 Box Mashed Potatoes with 5 Cups of Gravy and 1 Gallon Rocky Road Ice Cream. That really made me laugh – gotta love him !!

March 1st

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Lean Cuisine – Swedish Meatballs Cal: 290, Fat: 8g, Protein: 19g (tossed out about 1/4 of the noodles)
  • Handful of Low Fat Wheat Thins
  • A Few Peanuts with Raisins
  • 1 Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese
  • A few Cheese Doodles (Rut Roh)
  • Bite of American Cheese & Ham while making son’s lunch
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • 2 Slices of Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese of Low Fat Wheat Thins
  • 1/2 Cupish Chicken with Rice Pilaf, Broccoli and Cauliflower
Related Post:  My forty second week after Gastric Bypass

Today I seemed extra hungry – maybe from not eating much the day before. I also found that I picked a bit today which is an old habit of mine. We have not had any bad snacks around in the house since my surgery because we are trying to get the kids to eat healthy as well, BUT these Cheese Doodles were hidden in the garage. They came out because my daughter had her friend over and they wanted a snack so I thought I cold get rid of them. Well there they were in front of me and I dipped in and ate a few – not a bunch – just a few. FYI – They were delish !!

March 2nd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • A few Cheese Doodles (I have NO control)
  • Lean Cuisine – Meat Loaf & Mashed Potatoes Cal: 250, Fat: 8g, Protein: 20g
  • 1 Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • A Few Peanuts with Raisins
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper

Nothing to eventful today – I did have some extra Coffee in the evening to keep me awake on a Friday night. Other than that it was just another day.

March 3rd

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Protein Shake
  • 2 Ritz Crackers
  • Handful of Low Fat Wheat Thins (at the Movies)
  • 2 Slices of American Cheese (picking)
  • 1/2 Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • 1/4 Pickle
  • 2 Tbsp Potato Salad
  • 1 Slice of Tomato
  • 1/2 Banana
  • A Few Peanuts with Raisins
  • Salad – Lettuce, Feta Cheese and Red Wine Vinaigrette Dressing
  • SF Ice Pop

Today I finally had another Protein Shake, I knew I was going to be out of the house and wanted to make sure I got it in just in case. I was going to the movies to see The Lorax and then going to my in laws afterwards for a late lunch. It was the first time I was eating out since the surgery and it was hard with all the temptations at the movies and keeping myself in check at my in laws. I wrote and entire post about it HERE. I think overall I did really well, but it was not easy. It was truly the first time reality was setting in about how food and I have a much different relationship now and things will never be the same. I think others who have had this surgery will understand that.

March 4th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Egg & American Cheese Omelet
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1/2 Chicken Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread with Mayo, Salt & Pepper
  • Salisbury Steak, with Mashed Potatoes and Carrots
  • SF Ice Pop
  • 8 Flipside Crackers with Cheese Spread

I made my son and omelet for breakfast and decided we would split it – I made just Eggs with American Cheese – it was soooo good. For dinner hubby made the most Delicious Salisbury Steak per my request – I wanted some meat – lol. I have shared the recipe HERE. I ate only 1/2 of one and then had some Carrots and Mashed Potatoes on the side. It was very filling and I so wish I had room for more, but I did not. While watching my evening TV I had a snack of 8 Flipside Crackers topped with a smear of Cheese Spread. The Cheese Spread is a fancy one we buy at our local store – I think it is like a provolone wine cheese – it is so tasty.

Related Post:  Dr. Oz weighs in on Gastric Bypass Surgery

So I had some new foods this week such as Lean Cuisines which I know are not the best, but it makes it easy on me during the day to just heat one up for lunch. I also did not have my protein shakes most of this week and tried getting in my protein other ways.

I did find I am getting back into old habits with my morning coffee, BUT I use to drink a large mug full prior to surgery and now I am lucky if I drink 1 small mug. I just like the warm drink on the cold morning and I bet I can do without it come summer.

I also noticed that I have to watch my picking/grazing – I am not too bad with it, but I can see how that old habit can quickly creep back up on me. If I do pick I write it down – that is one thing I told myself I would do – everything that I eat no matter how small will be written down and I have been great at that.

I have to work on getting in more water – I am no where near the 64 ounces per day – I am still at maybe 1/2 of that. I also was suppose to start exercising and that did not happen either. I am hoping as the warm weather comes and I become a yard slave I will have no issues there. Winter always gives me the blues and even more so now after the surgery. I cannot wait to be outside in the warm sun. I am literally counting down the days until Spring, which is March 20th ya know !

I cannot believe 6 weeks have gone by already – shocks me everytime I post my weekly food journals how fast the time goes by. I must say it gets easier, but is also very hard at the same time if that makes sense.

So I did my weigh in this week and was nervous after having such an early stall last week with no loss – want to know what the scale said? Well then visit my Weigh Ins to see.

Here is to another week on my journey……