My sixtieth week after Gastric Bypass

Finally Spring is here and as the weather is warm and there is no rain I am outside playing all day long. And just as my hubby said that as soon as that happened my weight would start to come off again and I would break my stall – Guess what he was right!!!

After being stalled and pretty much at a stand still for over 8 weeks I lost 3 pounds this week. I did lose 1 pound last week, but losing another 3 this week I am so excited!!! I weighed in at 181 lbs – that is a total loss of 105 lbs !! My next goal is to lose another 2 pounds by my next weigh in (next Monday) and get into the 170’s – OMG I cannot even imagine – last time I was in the 170’s was over 16 years ago, maybe even longer.

I would like to thank Mother Nature for getting her shit together and finally letting it be warm and sunny out so I can be outside moving my ass.

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the sixtieth week:

(I am gonna add the times on as well)

April 1st

  • 9:00 am – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 12:30 pm – 1/2 Oscar Mayer Bologna Sandwich with Mayo – 1 slice of Bologna
  • 3:00 pm – 5 Twizzlers
  • 6:00 pm – Went to Longhorn Steakhouse for Dinner – 2 small pieces of Honey Wheat Bread, a Few chips dipped in Shrimp and Lobster Dip, A small Salad and then 1/2 of a NY Strip Steak and some grilled Asparagus
  • 10:30 pm – 1 small Apple and too many Doritos

Today hubby and the kids went shopping to pick out our new kitchen appliances. We went store to store as I touched them all before finally making my final decision. After that we went out to dinner. We went the Longhorn Steakhouse – we had never eaten there before. Let me say the food was A-Mazing!!! The service was not the best, but the food made up for all of that.

Later that night hubby and I watched TV and I snacked on an Apple and too many Doritos – I went to bed having to take a couple Gas X and not feeling so good at all.

Related Post:  My Big Salads after Gastric Bypass Surgery

April 2nd

  • 11:00 am – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 1:00 pm – Small piece of my left over steak from dinner last night
  • 3:30 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 7:30 pm – Lunchable – Light Bologna & Cheese
  • 9:30 pm – Cup of Tea

Oh my day started crappy and I felt horrible all day long. I wrote a post explaining my “Crappy Day” HERE. Those Doritos late the night before was not a good idea at all and I paid the price for that choice!!

April 3rd

  • 8:30 am – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 12:00 pm – Sausage and Peppers on a Hot Dog Roll and a bite of my daughter’s Fried Chicken
  • 1:30 pm – Protein Coffee – Contains 40.5 grams of protein
  • 4:30 pm – 1 Slice of American Cheese and Provolone Cheese
  • 6:00 pm – Meatloaf, mashed Potatoes and Italian Green Beans
  • 7:00 pm – Rice Krispy Treat (90 Calories)
  • 8:00 pm – Cup of Tea
  • 9:30 pm – Chocolate Rice Cake Snacks
  • 10:15 pm – 2 Slices of American Cheese with Mustard

Today I had my doctors appointment to get my cortisone shot in my arm and to talk about the MRI results of my back. I wrote a post about it HERE. Then after I got home I did some food shopping with my sister and then worked on the computer until late.

April 4th

  • 9:30 am – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 4:00 pm – Bites of left over Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes
  • 4:30 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 7:00 pm – 4 pieces of Sushi Rolls
  • 7:30 pm – Frozen Freschetta Market Veggie Pizza – Ate 3/4 of it. 450 Calories, 20.5 Grams Fat and 19.5 Grams of Protein for what I ate.
  • 8:00 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 10:30 pm – 4 Slices of American Cheese with Mustard
Related Post:  My twelfth week after Gastric Bypass

Hubby let me sleep in this morning and got my son off to school – love days like that. I was so comfy in bed because the cortisone shot in my shoulder kicked in and I was able to sleep on it with no pain – love that. Then I went with my BFF to Sears to order my kitchen appliances which I am beyond excited to come – they will be delivered on the 22nd and it cannot come soon enough. Then later I stayed up late working on the computer.

April 5th

  • 9:30 am – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 1:00 pm – 2 small pieces of Rye Bread with I cannot believe it is butter
  • 2:00 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 4:30 pm – 2 Handfuls of Baked Cheese Doodles
  • 6:00 pm – 4 Sushi Rolls
  • 8:00 pm – Couple bites of Ham
  • 8:15 pm – Protein Coffee – Contains 40.5 grams of protein
  • 9:00 pm – 1 White Castle Cheeseburger
  • 11:00 pm – Handful of Pistachios

Today I spent my entire day outside doing yard work – woo hooo. Then I finished off the night doing facials with my daughter and then watching our girl shows together in bed.

April 6th

  • 11:15 am – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 4:15 pm – Protein Coffee – Contains 40.5 grams of protein
  • 5:30 pm – Sauteed Zucchini and Onions
  • 7:30 pm – Maple Baked Chicken, Baked Asparagus and Sauteed Zucchini and Onions
  • 8:00 pm – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer
  • 11:30 pm – Oscar Mayer Bologna Sandwich with Mayo

Today I slept in again and then had a busy day filled with visitors. I was suppose to be doing yard work, but had a few of my friends stop by and I mostly just sat on the patio and chatted – lol. My hubby did relocate the Chicken Coop to its permanent spot in the yard and we took measurements for the new chicken run he will build. So the day was not entirely lost.

Related Post:  My Latest Obsession ~ Coconut Oil

April 7th

  • 10:00 am – Coffee with Hazlenut Creamer – First thing every day when I wake up
  • 12:30 pm – 1 Slice of American Cheese
  • 2:45 pm – Protein Coffee – Contains 40.5 grams of protein
  • 6:30 pm – 1 Large Antipasto Salad with Oil and Vinegar Dressing
  • 7:00 pm – 1 piece of Strawberry Upside Down Cake
  • 11:00 pm – 1 SF Ice Pop and 2 handfuls of Pistachios

I caught up on the phone with an old friend who will actually be having surgery in July. Then I Spent the day cleaning the garage with my hubby to make way for all our upcoming Spring projects – gotta start with the hub of it all right? For dinner we had take out and I got a nice big Salad which was soooo yummy!!!

So that was my week – not bad. I did something right because I lost that 3 pounds!!!

As I have noticed before I may not be eating enough on a lot of days. I rarely eat breakfast – not my thing and I really never had. Probably not the best thing, but I am just not hungry or I forget. I tend to pick here and there throughout the day vs. having a meal. I try to have a protein coffee in the afternoon as my lunch and then I usually have dinner and some snacks at night.

My new goal as I stated above is to lose another 2 pounds this coming week to make it into the 170’s – I am going to kick things up a notch and see if I can do it.