My twenty first week after Gastric Bypass

Monday started week 21 and all of that procrastination I had been doing about getting things I needed to get done was over. It was crunch time – I had 2 days to get rid of years of crap so we could have our Central AC/Heat put in the house.

This is the time I whine about why I whined for so many days and left myself hardly any time to get a million things done – sound familiar? Gosh I cannot be the only one right?

I had a busy couple days ahead of me, but I had to shut up and get it done if I wanted to stay cool this summer and warm this winter. I had to look on the bright side – I would DEFINITELY get in a lot of exercise this week that was for sure.

Here is what I ate so you can see each day for the twenty first week:

(I am not gonna add the times on – just the order in which I ate)

June 11th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Iced Coffee
  • Egg Roll
  • 2 Crab Ragoons
  • 1 cupish Left over Chicken Divan

Today was the day I had to get started with all of this cleaning – first I had to do the closet in my daughter’s room so the guys could get into the crawl space in the attic which happens to be in there. URGH !!! This closet happened to be mine because my daughter and us switched rooms last year and I have not switched them over due to some other renovations upcoming. What a mess. So as I reached the back of the closet I was on the phone with my sister in law and asked her “Do I need the dress I wore to your sister’s wedding?” now this wedding happened about 15 years or so ago. She is like “uh no”. Really I asked I may fit back into one day – do you think shoulder pads will be back in style? lmao. She was like just toss it already. So those are the things I had to deal with – you know the back of the closet where we keep things we will never touch in our lifetime again.

Once the closet was done, which took what seemed like a million hours, it was time to venture into the attic. I have a walk up attic, but this was full of over 7 years of storage and a lot of it. In addition to that it was filled with bins of baby clothes from both my son and daughter because I was originally planning on having another baby. That is not the plan anymore since the shop has been torn down a couple years ago. I knew it had to be cleaned at some point and probably would have never gotten done if it were not for the fact these guys had to run ducts up there so in I went and it was hot and I sweat like crazy. BUT Sweat equals weight loss – BONUS !!

Related Post:  Friday Night Q and A fun with me

June 12th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Iced Coffee
  • Big Salad with Feta Cheese, Cucumbers, Tomato, Red Onion and Honey Mustard
  • Small piece of Pound Cake
  • A few chips in dip

Today was D day – I have to get it all done the guys were coming first thing tomorrow morning – ahhhhhh !!! Thank god for the rain and not wanting to be outside instead and it helped cool down the attic a bit. So bin after bin and sorting and going through, tossing and making donate piles I ventured through it. I think the hardest part was going through the bins of baby clothes. My son made fun of me as I cried going through his – he says “Mom I am not dead I am right here”. Someday he will understand the tears, but for now I let him make fun of me as I touched every article of clothing and remembered when they wore it in my mind and smelled it as well – I know I am NUTSO. I think he just shook his head when I dressed a Teddy Bear that sits on my bed he gave me in one of his old outfits.

I was able to give my daughter lots of new outfits for her favorite baby doll and boy did I have tons to donate. I had 15+ bags of clothing to bring for donation – holy crap !!! OH and these were hefty bags. Did I mention how much garbage I had as well? So much from cleaning the garage, the attic, my craft room and 2 closets that I had to pay extra for a huge pick up.

BUT in the end after all that whining, back pain, reminiscing and sweating my ass off it got done. Now everything that was going back into the attic was now stored in my bedroom until they would be done. It felt so good to be rid of so much stuff and I am beginning to feel a little organized. Oh what a great feeling that is !!!

June 13th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Iced Coffee
  • Whole Ham Sandwich with mayo
  • Burrito

So today I am exhausted and sore and up at 7am to let the contractors in to start working. So excited to be getting central air and heat u have no idea. I HATE window units and I am so done with them. It is a big investment, but worth every penny we will spend. While the guys worked I continued to clean and add to my garbage pile that was being picked up tomorrow. Wooo Hooo love seeing all that garbage at the curb – bye bye crap !!!

Related Post:  Stuffed Grape Leaves and I love each other

June 14th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Iced Coffee
  • 2 Slices American Cheese
  • 1 cupish Left over Chicken Divan
  • Handful of Frosted Mini Wheats
  • 1/2 Ham Steak, Small Salad and Green Beans
  • McDonald’s Ice Cream Cone
  • Handful of Potato Chips
  • Snack sized bag of M&M’s

Today I was up early again – contractors start so darn early -urgh !!! After a lot of thinking today hubby and I decided we would get chickens – well chicks at first for pets. This is something we had been thinking about for a few years after falling in love with these Silkie Chickens at our local nursery. Needless to say the kids are so excited by the thought. We would get them next Monday, but today we ran to the local feed store to pick up the things we would need for them when we got them. We also passed the nursery so of course I had to stop and buy some more plants for the yard – hee hee.

Later in the evening I took the kids to McDonald’s for ice cream and I was so craving one myself, but so nervous – I said the heck with it and got myself an Ice Cream Cone – you can read my post about it HERE. Later that evening I had a sweet tooth still and grabbed a tiny snack sized bag of M&Ms and ate them – I had no issues and it hit the spot. It is not often I get a sweet tooth, but when I do I usually go for fruit, BUT I really wanted those M&Ms – so I did not deprive myself.

June 15th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • 1 Egg, Bacon & Toast Muffin
  • McDonald’s Hamburger
  • Handful of Cherries
  • 1/2 Delmonico Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Carrots

Today I hung around the house doing yardwork, went to the nursery yet again for more flowers – I ended up creating a new flower bed in the yard. Later in the day I took a much needed nap – this getting up and ready by 7am with the contractors is catching up on me. I made breakfast for the family and I did a post sharing it here: Eggs, Bacon & Toast Muffins.

For dinner I was craving a good steak – so hubby went up to our local butcher (where the good stuff is fresh) and got some Delmonico Steaks. He grilled them and I swear it was the best piece of steak I have had ever – melted in your mouth delish !!

June 16th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day)
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Beef BBQ sampling
  • 1/2 Subway Veggie Delite
  • Handful of Pretzels
  • 1 Slice of Pizza
  • A few bites of a French Toast Dessert
  • Small piece of left over steak with ketchup
Related Post:  Battling Head Hunger after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Today we were headed to my mother in laws to do some work at her house – on our way there we stopped at the local butcher who was having a sampling of their meats for their customers. I tried a homemade hotdog (well 1/2), a piece of brisket, small rib and some smoked pit beef & chicken – OMG it was all amazing !!! It was a pure protein start to my day !!

While at my mother in laws she got us Subways for lunch and we had Pizza for dinner. She also made this amazing dessert my hubby loves that is a french toast casserole – I had a few bites of that too and it was soooo good. We worked hard while there – so plenty of exercise and later in the evening the kids swam in my sister in laws pool – it was along day, but fun to be with the family. When I got home I was a little hungry so I had a piece of left over steak – yum yum yum.

June 18th

  • Water (drank over the course of the day) with 4C Light Iced Tea Mix
  • Coffee with Sugar Free Hazelnut Creamer (1/2 mug)
  • Iced Coffee
  • Arby’s Chicken Sandwich – Did not eat the bread
  • Smart Ones Meat Lasagna
  • Handful of Frosted Mini Wheats

Today was Father’s Day so I pampered my hubby and let him relax the day. It was a quiet day enjoyed wit the kids.

So I had a very busy week of cleaning, getting up early with the contractors and lots of exercise !!

I was guilty the entire week not paying attention to getting in my protein and eating enough each day – I was just too busy. So yes I slacked – hey it happens.

The contractors will be back again on Monday and should be done with the installation by Tuesday – just in time for the heat wave coming our way. Oh and tomorrow we are getting our chicks !!! Of course I will be sharing them so stay tuned !!!

Check out My Weigh In for this week – I hit another goal of mine – so all this hard work paid off !!!